We connect local governments,
neighborhood residents,
and corporate stakeholders.

Guided by the United Nations Sustainability Goals, we strive to create healthy, sustainable communities free of crime and rich with opportunities for growth.



Access to Healthcare


Educational Opportunities


Food Inequity


Community Cohesion

Our Team

Our specialized teams are equipped with the diverse expertise needed to address the unique needs of South Florida communities. In collaboration with leading research institutions, we leverage academic insights to understand local challenges and evaluate pilot programs, expanding successful initiatives region-wide.

The Community Lab’s holistic strategic approach is rooted in the philosophy of “doing more than we are asked to do” in order to optimize policies and procedures. With extensive experience working with cities and towns across the country, our leaders and associates drive community innovation through comprehensive, evidence-based efforts.

The Partnership for Policing Innovation and Reform (The Partnership) is an independent, 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in Florida, headquartered in Miami.

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